Lesson 15 –

Teachers Showcase 

Assessments and Evaluations

01. Learning Materials

02. Self assessment form

03. Questionnaire

04. Continuous assessment form

05. Students feedback on lesson 


Students Showcase 

Lesson 10 – There is, are

Teachers Showcase 

Assessments and Evaluations

01. Learning Materials

02. Self assessment form (testing mood)

03. Self Assignment – writing answers

04. Continuous assessment form

05. Students’ answers for continuous assessment – (try to correct wrong answers) 

06. Reflection session –

  • Sinhala medium
  • Tamil medium

07. Students feedback on lesson 


Speak in English – Sinhala Medium – Lesson 10 (Interactive session)
Speak in English – Tamil Medium – Lesson 10 (Interactive session)

Students Showcase 

Lesson 09 –

Teachers Showcase 

Speak in English – Sinhala Medium – Lesson 09 – (Interactive Session)
Speak in English – Tamil Medium – Lesson 09 – (Interactive Session)

Students Showcase 

Practical Session for lesson 09

International Project for Capacity Development of ECCD Teachers in South Asian Countries

Application form

20240309 – Application Form for ICFCD

After you submit the application form, click here to join the WhatsApp community group to get all the updates on time. 

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