International Project for Capacity Development of Teachers
International Project for Capacity Development of Teachers.
The International Conference on Quality Education 2024 is organized by the International Association for Quality Education with the collaboration of many universities, institutes, and schools in South Asian countries as well as other countries. All the details related to the conference can be found at
IAFQE has implemented the “International Project for Capacity Development of ECCD Teachers in South Asian Countries,” parallel to the international conference on quality education. The main objective of the project is to build the capacity of ECCD teachers in South Asian countries with the support of educators in global society.
It has been designed to conduct a lecture series for ECCD teachers in South Asian countries from the beginning of March until the end of May on an online platform to enhance the quality of ECCD teachers.
This is a totally free lecture series and project for ECCD teachers in South Asian countries.
ECCD teachers can participate in the
- Lecture series on STEAM Education for Early Childhood Care and Development
- Lecture series on ECCD education in South Asian countries
- Communication skills development in the English language
- Lecture series for professional development
Lectures will be conducted in
- English Medium
- Sinhala medium
- Tamil Medium
At the end of the lecture series, they can be qualified as a modern ECCD teacher with new pedagogical approaches and newly updated knowledge on early childhood education. They will gain proper knowledge of the best practices of other South Asian countries in ECCD education.
At the end, participants’ competencies are evaluated, and participants who complete the lecture series successfully will get international certificates parallel to the international conference on quality education in 2024.
You can register for the lecture series and for the project by filling out the following application:
Structure of the project implementing team
Click here for online Registration.
Click here to join with WhatsApp Community group to get all updates
Click here to watch lecture series and Lecture time Table
දකුණු ආසියාතික රටවල විශ්ව විද්යාල, උසස් අධ්යාපන ආයතන. පාසල් හා විවිධ අධ්යාපනික ආයතනවල ද සහයෝගීතාව හා සහභාගීත්යෙවය ඇතිව ගුණාත්මක අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ අන්තර්ජාතික සංවිධානය ගුණාත්මක අධ්යාපනය පිළිබද අන්තර්ජාතික සම්මන්ත්රනය 2024 ඉන්දියාවේ නවදිල්ලි නුවරදී 2024 වසරේ මැයි මස පැවැත්වීමට පැසසුම් කර ඇත. සම්මන්ත්රණයට අදාළ සියලුම විස්තර වෙබ් අඩවිය මගින් ලබා ගත හැක.
අන්තර්ජාතික සම්මන්ත්රනයට අනුබද්ධිතව ඒකාබද්ධ ව්යාපෘතියක් ලෙස ශ්රී ලංකාවේ කාන්තා, ළමා කටයුතු සහ සමාජ සවිබල ගැන්වීම් අමාත්යාංශයේ ගරු රාජ්ය අමාත්ය ගිතා කුමාරසිංහ මහත්මියගේ ඉල්ලීම හා මගපෙන්වීම යටතේ ගුණාත්මක අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ අන්තර්ජාතික සංවිධානය (IAFQE) “මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන ගුරැවරියන්ගේ ගුණාත්මක සංවර්ධනය සදහා අන්තර්ජාතික ව්යාපෘතියක්“ ක්රියාත්මක කර ඇත.
දකුණු ආසියාතික රටවල සහ ලෝකයේ සෙසු විවිධ රටවල අධ්යාපනඥයින්ගේ සහයෝගය ඇතිව ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන ගුරැවරියන්ගේ ගුණාත්මක සංවර්ධනයක් ඇති කිරීම ව්යාපෘතියේ අරමුණයි.
මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන කාර්ය භාරයේ නිරතවන ගුරැවරියන්ගේ නිපුණත්වය අන්තර්ජාතික මට්ටමට නගා සිටවීම සදහා අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ මාර්තු මාසයේ ආරම්භයේ සිට මැයි මස අවසානය තෙක් පුරා මාස 3 ක කාළයක් අඛන්ඩව දේශණමාලාවක් පැවැත්වීම මෙම ව්යපෘතිය මගින් බලාපොරොත්තු වෙයි.
දැනට මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන කාර්යයේ නිරතවන ගුරැවරියන්ට (පෙර පාසල් ගුරැවරියන්ට) මෙම සම්පුර්ණ වැඩසටහනට හා දේශණවලට නොමිලේ සම්බන්ධ විය හැක.
- මුල් ළමාවිය රැකවරණය සහ සංවර්ධනය සඳහා STEAM අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ දේශණ මාලාවක්
- දකුණු ආසියාතික රටවල මුල් ළමාවිය අධ්යාපනය පිළිබද දේශණ මාලාවක්
- ඉංග්රසි භාෂා කථාන කුසලතා සංවර්ධන වැඩසටහන් මාලාව
- මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන ගුරුවරියන්ගේ වෘත්තීය සංවර්ධනය සඳහා දේශන මාලාව
ලෙස දේශණ මාලා ප්රධාන කාණෟඩ 4 ක් යටතේ පැවැත් වේ.
මෙම සියලු දේශණ
- ඉංග්රීසි මාධ්ය
- සිංහල මාධ්ය
- දෙමළ මාධ්ය
යන මාධ්ය 3 යටතේ ම වෙන වෙනම පැවැත් වේ.
දේශන මාලා අවසානයේ, මුල් ළමාවිය අධ්යාපනයට අදාල නව අධ්යාපන ක්රමවේද පිළිබදව විශේෂයෙන් ලෝකයේ සියලු රටවල් සීඝ්රයෙන් පරිවර්තනය වන අධ්යාපන ක්රමවේද ගැන ප්රමාණවත් නිපුණතාවක් ලබනු ඇත. දකුණු ආසියාතික රටවල මුල් ළමාවිය අධ්යාපනය සිදුවන ආකාරය පිළිබද පුළුල් දැනුමක් ලබනු ඇත.
දේශන මාලාව සාර්ථකව නිම කරන සහභාගිවන්නන් නිසි ඇගයීම් ක්රියාවලියකට ලක් කර සුදුසුකම් ලබන ගුරැවරියන්ට ගුණාත්මක අධයාපනය පිළිබද අන්තර්ජාතික සම්මන්ත්රනයට 2024 ට සමගාමීව ඇගයීම් සහතික පත් ද නිකුත් කරනු ඇත.
මෙම ව්යාපෘතිය තුළින් යාවත්කාලින වන නව දැනුම් සම්භාරය සමගින් 2024 දී නූතන ලෝකයට ගැලපෙන නිපුණතා පිරි මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන ගුරුවරියක් ලෙස ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මුල් ළමාවිය සංවර්ධන (පෙර පාසල් ) ගුරුවරියන්ට තම වෘත්තීය ජීවිතයේ නව පරිච්ජේදයක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට හැකි වනු ඇත.
පහත අයැදුම්පත පිරවීමෙන් ඔබට දේශන මාලාව සහ මෙම ව්යපෘතිය සදහා නොමිලේ ලියාපදිංචි විය හැක: (තෝරා ගැනීම් පළමුව අයදුම් කරන අයට පළමු සේවා පදනම මත සිදු කෙරේ.)
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ECCD ஆசிரியர்களின் திறன் மேம்பாட்டுக்கான சர்வதேச திட்டம்
தரமான கல்விக்கான சர்வதேச சங்கத்தால் தரமான கல்விக்கான சர்வதேச மாநாடு 2024, தெற்காசிய நாடுகள் மற்றும் பிற நாடுகளில் உள்ள பல பல்கலைக்கழகங்கள், நிறுவனங்கள் மற்றும் பாடசாலைகளின் ஒத்துழைப்புடன் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. மாநாடு தொடர்பான அனைத்து விவரங்களையும் இல் காணலாம்.
கெளரவ அமைச்சர் அவர்களின் வழிகாட்டுதலுடனும் வேண்டுகோளுடனும் பெண்கள், குழந்தைகள் விவகாரங்கள் மற்றும் சமூக வலுவூட்டல் அமைச்சின் இராஜாங்க அமைச்சர் கீதா குமாரசிங்க IAFQE சர்வதேச மாநாட்டிற்கு இணையாக “ECCD ஆசிரியர்களின் திறன் மேம்பாட்டுக்கான சர்வதேச திட்டம்” இனை செயல்படுத்தியுள்ளார். தெற்காசிய நாடுகள் மற்றும் உலகளாவிய சமூகத்தின் கல்வியாளர்களின் ஆதரவுடன் இலங்கையில் ECCD ஆசிரியர்களின் திறனை கட்டியெழுப்புவதே இத்திட்டத்தின் பிரதான நோக்கமாகும்.
ECCD ஆசிரியர்களின் தரத்தை மேம்படுத்தும் வகையில் இலங்கையில் உள்ள ECCD ஆசிரியர்களுக்கான விரிவுரைத் தொடரை மார்ச் மாதத்திலிருந்து மே மாதம் வரை ஆன்லைன் முறையில் நடத்துவதற்கு வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இது இலங்கையில் ECCD ஆசிரியர்களுக்கான முற்றிலும் இலவச விரிவுரைத் தொடராகும்.
ECCD ஆசிரியர்கள் பின்வரும் விரிவுரைகளில் பங்கேற்கலாம்
- ஆரம்பகால குழந்தைப் பருவ பராமரிப்பு மற்றும் மேம்பாட்டுக்கான STEAM கல்வி பற்றிய விரிவுரைத் தொடர்
- தெற்காசிய நாடுகளில் ECCD கல்வி பற்றிய விரிவுரைத் தொடர்
- ஆங்கில மொழியில் தொடர்பு திறன் மேம்பாடு
- தொழில்முறை வளர்ச்சிக்கான விரிவுரைத் தொடர்
விரிவுரைகள் பின்வரும் மும்மொழிகளிலும் நடாத்தப்படும்
- ஆங்கிலம்
- சிங்களம்
- தமிழ்
விரிவுரைத் தொடரின் முடிவில், புதிய கல்வியியல் அணுகுமுறைகள் மற்றும் ஆரம்ப வயதுக் கல்வியில் புதிதாகப் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்ட அறிவைக் கொண்டு அவர்கள் நவீன ECCD ஆசிரியராகத் தகுதி பெறலாம். ECCD கல்வியில் மற்ற தெற்காசிய நாடுகளின் சிறந்த நடைமுறைகள் பற்றிய சரியான அறிவையும் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம்.
விரிவுரைகளின் முடிவில், பங்கேற்பாளர்களின் திறன்கள் மதிப்பிடப்பட்டு 2024 இல் தரமான கல்விக்கான சர்வதேச மாநாட்டிற்கு இணையான சர்வதேச சான்றிதழ்களைப் பெறுவார்கள்.
பின்வரும் விண்ணப்பத்தைப் பூர்த்தி செய்வதன் மூலம் விரிவுரைத் தொடருக்கும் திட்டத்திற்கும் நீங்கள் பதிவு செய்யலாம். முதலில் வருபவர்களுக்கு முன்னுரிமை என்ற அடிப்படையில் தேர்வு செய்யப்படும்.
The inauguration ceremony of the “International Project for Capacity Development of Teachers in South Asian Countries” was launched on March 15, 2024.
Mrs. Achini Abegunawardena Presentation on STEAM Education
Parallel to the international conference on quality education 2024, a lecture series on STEAM education was conducted to empower participants as master trainers on STEAM education and master teachers on STEAM education.
Mrs. Achini Abegunawardena was qualified for Master Trainer on STEAM Education by uploading 20 videos related to the lesson she learned at the lecture series. She got her awards at the International Conference on Quality Education 2024, which was held on January 20th–24th, 2024, at the Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Getting awards as “Master Trainer for Quality Education” by the hand of Hon.Mr. Aslam Shaikh, MLA – Malad West Constituency, former Cabinet Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra, India at the International Conference on Quality Education – 2024, was held on January 20th – 24th, 2024 at Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Getting awards as “Master Teacher on STEAM Education” by the hand of Prof. Rajendran Govender, Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Western Cape, South Africa at the International Conference on Quality Education – 2024, was held on January 20th – 24th, 2024 at Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
backup new delhi 2024
International Conference on Quality Education, 2024
“Capacity Development, Conferences, Networking, Expos,
and Awards on SDGs for Quality Education”
May 26th – 30th, 2024
New Delhi, India.
01. Introduction
The International Conference on Quality Education 2024 will be held on May 26th–30th 2024, in New Delhi, India, with the participation of global leaders in education, school owners, principals, educators, teachers, and special VIPs from different countries.
The conference will be focused on “empowering 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being in children by enhancing the quality of education by empowering STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
The themes of the conference will be based on:
- school curriculum
- teaching learning methods (pedagogical approaches)
- assessment and evaluation systems
- capacity development of teachers
- leadership and school management
- quality and standards of schools
- research and innovations
- corporate social responsibility (CSR)
which are compulsory to be upgraded rapidly to develop skills that are essential for the 21st century and the spiritual well-being of children.
Individuals have to face the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) situation of the present global society. The conference will emphasize ways to develop skills essential to the 21st century and spiritual well-being to overcome the competitiveness of global society.
The conference is not a single event. It is a process of upgrading the quality of education. Live interviews, discussions, presentations, and an online lecture series on STEAM education, as well as on employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness, will be conducted by delegates and selected resource persons from February through online platforms as pre-conference activities. The physical conference will be on May 26th–30th in New Delhi, India.


At the physical conference, participants have the opportunity to get awards for their excellence in performance for the pre-conference and the physical conference activities. Keynote speakers and paper presenters will get awards based on their performance at the physical conference. “Excellence in Education” awards will be granted to educators for their lifetime contribution to the field of education, and schools will also be honored with “Excellence in Performance” for their best practices.
School visits, model classroom sessions, interactive sessions, and cultural programs have also been scheduled to make the conference colorful.
The conference is an international platform for global leaders in education to show their talents, best practices, and international contributions to upgrading the quality of education. It is a good platform for all participants to build up international networks and work collaboratively to empower their schools and institutes with standards of quality education.
The conference is limited to 100 educators, and selections will be made based on early registrations, qualifications, and experiences.
The conference is organized by the International Association for Quality Education (IAfQE) and the South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development (SAIA4ECCD). With the colossal partnership. of many schools, institutes, and organizations around the world.
02. Problem Statement

- The world is undergoing rapid changes in the knowledge landscape. With various dramatic scientific and technological advances, to overcome the challenges of global society, children need multidisciplinary abilities. Practically, the school system is facing challenges to fulfill the needs of global society.
- The gap between the current state of learning outcomes and what is required must be bridged through undertaking major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system, from early childhood care and education to higher education. Lack of collaboration and international forums among the countries for major reforms.
- The STEAM education approach of schools to develop children with 21st-century skills and prepare them for a rapidly changing world is not practically implemented in classrooms at a satisfactory level in many schools.
- Curriculums, teaching-learning processes, and assessment and evaluation methodologies in schools are not being rapidly upgraded to be compatible with STEAM education approaches and fast-moving global needs.
- Teacher empowerment and capacity-building mechanisms for educators and educational managers should be upgraded to fulfill the needs of a dynamic society.
- There is a lack of motivation among educators for research and innovations to find solutions and new strategies to overcome existing issues and shortcomings in quality education.
- Lack of international platforms for educators to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to upgrade the quality of education.
- The dynamic service rendered by educators and the excellence of schools are not evaluated on international platforms at a satisfactory level.
03. Vision:
Empower 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being in children, enhancing the quality of education by empowering STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.
04. Mission:
Build up international platforms and networks for stakeholders in education to upgrade the quality of education by empowering STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness to strengthen children to overcome challenges in a rapidly changing world with 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being for the sustainability of them, countries, and global society.
05. Objectives:
- Build up international platforms and networks to strengthen teachers, principals, and educators in STEAM education.
- Build up international platforms and networks to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to empower STEAM education in the school system.
- Build up international platforms and networks to share best practices to empower the school system with employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness to overcome challenges in modern society.
- Build up international platforms and networks to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to empower 21st-century skills and the spiritual well-being of children. (Spiritual well-being refers not to any particular religious or spiritual practice or ideology but to the quality of a human being.)
- To honor the dedicated services of educators for new knowledge, research findings, sharing of best practices, and commitment to quality education.
- To honor the dedicated services of schools for their innovations, best practices, and education leadership towards quality education.

06. Themes of the conference
- Empower the school curriculum for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
- Empower teaching methodologies (pedagogical approaches) for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
- Empower assessment and evaluation systems for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
- Capacity Development of teachers for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
- Empower leadership and school management for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
- Empower the quality and standards of schools for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.
- Empower the research and innovations for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.
- Empower corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects in schools for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness.
07. Program Schedule:
May 26th, 2024 |
Arrival of the delegates |
May 27th, 2024 |
Inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Keynote speeches, paper presentations, presentations, interactive sessions, panel discussions, workshops, Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 28th, 2024 |
Inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Keynote speeches, paper presentations, presentations, interactive sessions, panel discussions, and workshops Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 29th, 2024 |
School visits, inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Panel Discussions, Interactive Sessions, Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 30th, 2024 |
Closing ceremony, drop-off to the airport |

08. Capacity Development – Pre-Conference Activities:
A conference is not a three-day event. It is an international project to improve the quality of education. A lot of pre-conference activities have been scheduled from February until the end of May 2024.
Opportunities for delegates who participate as Experts
Experts can participate in pre-conference activities according to their availability.
They can share best practices, research findings, and competencies with stakeholders in the field of education. They can share their innovative approaches with children, teachers, schools, and communities all over the world. All activities will be shared live on social media. Later, all converted videos and digital media productions will be uploaded to YouTube and educational websites.
They can participate in
- Panel discussions
- Interactive sessions
- Workshops
- Live interviews
- Live lectures
- Live presentations
In addition to that, the “International Quality Enhancement Project on SDG 4: Quality Education” is implemented as a pre-conference activity to develop master trainers in the following sectors:.
- Global Master Trainers to Empower “STEAM Education”
- Global Master Trainers to Empower “Education for Employability”
- Global Master Trainers to Empower “Education for Entrepreneurship”
- Global Master Trainers to Empower “Education for Mindfulness”
- Global Master Trainers to Empower “Education for Greening Education”
Educational experts who register for the conference are invited to deliver lectures on those master training programs; the “International Contribution for Quality Education” award will be given to them at the physical conference to honor their academic contribution.
Those are the opportunities for experts who register for the conference to upgrade the quality of education in global society. The physical conference will be an appreciation and an international platform for them to add a milestone to their professional lives.
(Educators who are unable to participate in the physical conference but are interested in joining as resource persons will also be considered for opportunities for capacity development projects.)
Opportunities for delegates who participate as Teachers and Young Educatoers
Teachers and educators who register for conferences under category 01 can participate in those lecture series, and if they fulfill the necessary assessments, they can be qualified as global master trainers or master teachers in those fields. Their performances will be published on YouTube and on separate web pages on professional websites. That is an opportunity for them to enhance their careers. They will fulfill their professional qualifications at the physical conference.
In addition to that, teachers and young educators who register for conferences can participate as moderators and interviewers for panel discussions, live interviews, live lectures, live presentations, workshops, and interactive sessions. They will get experience working on international platforms. They have opportunities to participate and lead sessions in the teachers parliament to brush up on their personalities and talents.
Opportunities have been created for experts as well as teachers and young educators to gain and share knowledge, to be global leaders in education, and to be honored for their academic leadership.
09. To whom:
To individuals
- Academic leaders, educational administrators, policymakers,
- School owners and senior managers
- School principals, teachers, and staff officers
- Pre-primary principals, teachers, and staff officers
- In service advisors, educators, curriculum developers,
- Lecturers, teacher trainers, and advisers
- Teachers, young educatoers
To Schools
- To share best practices of the school with global communities
- To add value to school in international platform
- To get honors and awards, medals, mementoes, and certificates for the best practices of school
- To get honors, awards, medals, mementos, and certificates for excellence in education.
- To build up networks with global education leaders.
- To build up networks with schools, institutes, and universities
- Academic investments
- For collaboration work
- To submit research papers
- To publish research papers
- To do paper presentations
- To do keynote speakers
- To upgrade knowledge
- To build up new competencies
- To get professional qualifications
- To share best practices
- To share research findings
- To be a member of international panel discussions.
- To be a resource person in international workshops
- To build up networks with global education leaders.
- To build up networks with schools, institutes, and universities
- Academic investments
- For collaboration work
- To get appreciation and honor for performance
- To get an honor for dedicated service in the field of education.
- To get awards for excellence in education
10. How can you apply
Applications can be submitted in three categories.
Category 01
School principals, teachers, and staff officers, pre-primary principals, teachers and staff officers, in-service advisors, and educators can apply.
Benefits to the participants under Category 01
- Participants can join pre-conference activities as learners, resource persons, or active participants.
- Participants can brush up on their knowledge through pre-conference activities.
- Participants can build up their competencies in STEAM education and other disciplines in pre-conference activities.
- Participants can get international experience in quality education.
- Participants can share the best practices of other countries.
- Participants can show their performance in group activities, project activities, and pre-conference activities.
- Participants can get opportunities to conduct live interviews and discussions.
- Participants can be moderators on an international platform.
- Participants can participate in interactive sessions and panel discussions at the physical conference.
Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates under category 01.
- Participants can get professional qualifications such as Master Trainer or Master Teacher in STEAM Education.
- Participants can get appreciation for their competencies.
- Participants can get awards, mementos, medals, and certificates for their performance.
- Participants can get awards, mementos, medals, and certificates for their lifetime contribution to the field of education.
Selection criteria
- Interested individuals should submit online applications under category 1.
- Applications will be evaluated. If applicants have fulfilled the basic requirements, they will be notified by email to register for the conference.
- By making the initial payment of 100 USD, the applicants can register for the conference under category 1.
- All information related to pre-conference activities, physical conferences, and performance evaluation systems will be shared through the WhatsApp group.
Category: 02
School owners and senior managers, school principals, teachers, and staff officers, pre-primary principals, teachers and staff officers, in-service advisors, educators, curriculum developers, lecturers, teacher trainers and advisers, academic leaders, educational administrators, and policymakers can apply under Category 02
Benefits to the participants under Category 02
- Participants can give keynote speeches at the physical conference.
- Participants can do paper presentations at the physical conference.
- Participants can join pre-conference activities as a way to get awards such as “International contribution for quality education.”
- Participants will get 8 minutes for their presentations or speeches at the physical conference.
Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates under category 02
- Participants can nominate themselves for “Excellence in Education” awards.
- Their performance, academic and professional qualifications, and contribution to the field of education will be evaluated, and awards will be given.
- mementoes, medals and certificates for “Excellence in Education” will be granted at the international conference in the areas of
- Excellence in keynote speeches
- Excellence in paper presentation
- Excellence in leadership for quality education
- Excellence in National Contribution to Quality Education
- Excellence in International Contribution to Quality Education
- Excellence in publication for quality education
- Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility for Quality Education
- Excellence in Innovations for Quality Education
- Excellence talk show host for quality education
- Excellence in educational entrepreneurship
Selection criteria for awards under Category 02
- Awards will be granted based on performance in the field of education, national and international-level contributions to the field of education, and academic and professional qualifications.
- Applications should be submitted online under Category 2.
- The applications will be evaluated. If applicants have fulfilled the basic requirements, they will be notified by email to register for the conference under Category II.
- By making the initial payment of 100 USD, the selected applicants can register for the conference under category II.
- Paper presenters and keynote speakers should participate in three live interviews related to the topic.
- Applicants for “International contribution to quality education” should do 20 lectures ( 45-minute) on quality education on a virtual platform to be eligible for the award
- Applicants should participate in at least three panel discussions in pre-conference activities.
- A performance evaluation form will be sent to applicants who are self-nominated for “Excellence in Education.”
- Details of the performance evaluation form will be evaluated by the panel based on their academic qualifications, professional qualifications, leadership in education, contributions to the field of education, national and international performance, etc.
- Self-nominated applicants for “Excellence in Education” need to do three live presentations online to be qualified for awards.
- If needed, self-nominated applicants for “Excellence in Education” will be invited for a live interview in front of the selection panel.
- If needed, a live interview will be conducted with the applicants to clarify or get more details related to their performance.
Category 03
School owners and principals can apply under category 3.
Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates under category 03
Awards for excellence will be granted to the schools for their performance on
- Excellence in School Curriculums for 21st Century Skills
- Excellence in teaching learning methods for 21st century skills
- Excellence in Holistic Development of Children for 21st Century Skills
- Excellence in Assessment and Evaluation Systems for 21st-Century Skills
- Excellence in Capacity Development of Educators for 21st Century Skills
- Excellence in School Management for 21st-Century Skills
- Excellence in “Quality and Standards” of the School
- Excellence School with STEAM Education
- Excellence in Sustainable Development Goals
- Excellence in Greening Education for 21st Century Skills
- Mindfulness and happiness in the school.
Selection criteria for awards under Category 03
- After the schools submit applications for conferences under Category 03, the applications will be evaluated. (The school Facebook page and school website will also be examined as primary keys to selecting a school for registration under category 03).
- If the school has fulfilled the basic requirements, it will be informed by email to register for the conference and awards.
- By making the initial payment of 100 USD, the school can register for the conference. One educator can participate in the conference to represent the school free of charge.
- After registration, a performance evaluation form will be sent to the school to collect performance and best practices to evaluate for awards.
- At the school evaluation process for awards. 60% of the marks will be allocated according to the details of the performance evaluation form.
- A school should do a presentation on performance and their best practices to be eligible for awards. (The presentation can be done as a live presentation on Zoom, recorded video, or paper document.).
- According to the performance, the school will be qualified for awards, mementos, medals, and certificates at the conference.
11. Registration Fee
Category |
For Indians |
SAARC Countries |
Other Countries |
Category 01: Paper Presenters, Presenters, Members of Panel Discussions, Resource Persons for Workshops. |
150 USD 75USD* |
300 USD |
400 USD |
Category 02: Individuals who apply for “Excellence in Education” awards |
200 USD |
400 USD |
500 USDp |
Category 03: Schools |
350 USD |
500 USD |
600 USD |
Special Notice
- Only 100 delegates (individuals and schools) will get the opportunity to participate in the conference.
- The above registration fee is a discount rate for the first fifty applicants. For others, 25% will be added to the above registration fee. Registration will be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, complete your registration in advance.
- Registration can be done by paying 100 USD; the balance can be paid on or before May 10th.
- The registration fee includes only the conference fee, lunch, refreshments, and dinner for conference days, as well as the cost of awards.
- The registration fee is 75 USD only for Indian educators and teachers who participate in the conference as observers or attendees. They will only get the participation certificate, memento and medal.
- Hotels for accommodation will be nominated. Participants can book directly or through an organizing team. It is not included in the conference fee. Double occupancy with breakfast can be arranged from 60 USD upwards for 4 nights in New Delhi, India.
- Facilities will be arranged for airport pick-up and drop-off. Airport-to-hotel costs may be around 2 or 3 USD per head. It is not included in the conference fee.
12. Registration process
- Principals, teachers, pre-primary teachers and principals, in-service advisors, educators, curriculum developers, academic leaders, educational administrators, and policymakers can apply under Certificates 01 or 02.
- School owners and principals can apply under category 3.
- Submit the online application form.
- The Academic Committee will evaluate all applications.
- The Academic Committee will recommend applicants’ suitability to participate in the conference.
- IAFQE will inform applicants by email of their eligibility to participate in the conference.
- The total conference registration fee, or initially, 100 USD from the registration fee, needs to be paid to complete the application process.
- Applicants have to submit their payment details.
- Applicants will get a payment acknowledgement receipt and registration number by email after submitting payment details.
- You need to submit the registration form to complete the registration process:
- Registered applicants will be added to the “International Conference 2024 Delegates Community” WhatsApp group. All guidance and information will be shared directly through the WhatsApp group.
- After the registration, the registered applicant will get permission to access
- All guidance will be updated on the delegate portal web page.
- Registered delegates can pay the balance of the registration fee by bank transfer on or before May 10th.
13. Apply online:
or click here
to submit an application.
14. Organized by
International Association for Quality Education (IAfQE) | |
South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development (SAIA4ECCD) |
15.Hosting Partner
16. Project consultancy
Hon. Dr. Bandula Gunawardena, Minister of Transport and Highways, Sri Lanka Minister of Media, Sri Lanka Former minister of Education and Higher Education, Sri Lanka | |
Hon. Geetha Samanmalee Kumarasinghe, State Minister, Ministry of Women, Child Affairs, and Social Development, Sri Lanka | |
Hon. Arun Kumar State Minister of Education, Sri Lanka | |
17. Invitation for a hosting partnership, a collaboration partnership, or sponsorship
The greatest gratitude one can give for education is to contribute and strengthen a generation of teachers to give wisdom to another generation. If it is a contribution to a cause without a profit motive, its implications are immense. The international conference is a vessel that gathers new knowledge and opens new avenues to disseminate education in new directions. It is an international project showcase. Benefits will go to individuals, schools, communities, and countries.
It is a contribution to bring education to an unprecedented level, not only in one school or one village in one country, but in all countries in the world.
If you can contribute as a hosting partner, collaboration partner, sponsor, or in any way as a university, educational institution, school, or business entity, that investment will benefit you for centuries. We invite you to be part of the pre-conference activities and the physical conference. You can make academic contributions, infrastructure investments, and financial contributions.
In addition to the spiritual happiness of your contribution, you will also gain economic value.
- Your logo and brand name will be published in all creative posts and banners.
- Your logo will be published in all video and digital productions.
- All creative posts will be shared daily on thousands of social media platforms, even with the logos and brand names of your organization.
- You will have the opportunity to promote your logo and brand name in pre-conference activations.
- We have more than 50,000 email addresses of schools in South Asian countries. All creatives, banners, AI videos, and academic activities will be disseminated to all email addresses with your logo and brand name.
- We have more than 25,000 WhatsApp numbers for schools and educators. All creatives, banners, AI videos, and academic activities will be disseminated to all email addresses with your logo and brand name.
- Lectures, panel discussions, keynote speakers, presentations, and all academic activities will be published on official YouTube channels periodically. Your logo and brand names will be there forever with your YouTube videos.
- Your logo and brand name will be published creatively in auditoriums and display areas at the physical conference.
- You will have the opportunity to introduce your university or institute to the delegates at the physical conference.
- You can be a facilitator for a physical conference.
- Your contribution, sacrifice, collaboration, partnership, and hosting will be honored at the physical conference.
18.More Details
Join with WhatsApp Group
Click here to join with WhatsApp community to get all updates on Conference
Scan using your WhatsApp camera to join with WhatsApp community of IAFQE
Contact Details
Send WhatsApp message to
+94727573045 for more details or any clarification
write to
19. Visa, Flight Details, Logistic Facilities and Hotel Arrangements
Guidance for Visa
Guidance for visas can be found at the following links:
Click here to apply for a VISA.
Details of the Hotel Arrangements
Details of the Hotel : will be updated soon.
Logistic Details
will be updated soon.
International Conference on Quality Education – 2024, New Delhi, India.
International Conference on Quality Education, 2024
“Capacity Development, Conferences, Networking, Expos,
and Awards on SDGs for Quality Education”
May 26th – 30th, 2024
New Delhi, India.
01. Introduction
The International Conference on Quality Education 2024 will be held from May 26th to 30th, 2024, in New Delhi, India, with the participation of global leaders in education, school owners, principals, educators, teachers, and special VIPs from different countries.
The conference will focus on “empowering 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being in children by enhancing the quality of education through STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
The themes of the conference will include:
- Early childhood and school curriculum
- Teaching-learning methods (pedagogical approaches)
- Assessment and evaluation systems
- Capacity development of teachers
- Leadership and school management
- Quality and standards of schools
- Research and innovations
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
These are essential areas for rapid upgrading to develop skills necessary for the 21st century and the spiritual well-being of children.
Individuals must face the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) situation of the present global society. The conference will emphasize ways to develop skills essential to the 21st century and spiritual well-being to overcome the competitiveness of global society.
The conference is not a single event. It is a process of upgrading the quality of education. Live interviews, discussions, presentations, and an online lecture series on STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, greening education, and mindfulness will be conducted by delegates and selected resource persons from February through online platforms as pre-conference activities. The physical conference will be held from May 26th to 30th in New Delhi, India.”


At the physical conference, participants have the opportunity to receive awards for their excellence in performance during both the pre-conference and physical conference activities. Keynote speakers and paper presenters will receive awards based on their performance at the physical conference. “Excellence in Education” awards will be granted to educators for their lifetime contribution to the field of education, and schools will also be honored with “Excellence in Performance” awards for their best practices.
School visits, model classroom sessions, interactive sessions, and cultural programs have also been scheduled to add color to the conference.
The conference serves as an international platform for global leaders in education to showcase their talents, best practices, and international contributions to upgrading the quality of education. It provides a valuable opportunity for all participants to build international networks and collaborate to empower their schools and institutes with standards of quality education.
The conference is limited to 100 educators, and selections will be based on early registrations, qualifications, and experience.
The conference is organized by the International Association for Quality Education (IAFQE) and the South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development (SAIA4ECCD), with the hosting and academic partnership of Dr. Kalam International Foundation (DKIF), as well as many schools, institutes, and organizations around the world.
02. Problem Statement
- The knowledge landscape in the world is changing rapidly. With various dynamic scientific and technological advances, children need multidisciplinary abilities to overcome the challenges of global society. However, the school system is facing challenges in fulfilling the needs of the global society effectively.
- The gap between the current state of learning outcomes and what is required must be bridged through major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system, from early childhood care and education to higher education. Lack of collaboration and international forums among countries hinder major reforms.
- The STEAM education approach in schools, aimed at developing children with 21st-century skills and preparing them for a rapidly changing world, is not effectively implemented in classrooms in many schools. Curriculums, teaching-learning processes, and assessment and evaluation methodologies in schools are not being rapidly upgraded to align with STEAM education approaches and fast-moving global needs.
- Teacher empowerment and capacity-building mechanisms for educators and educational managers need to be upgraded to meet the needs of a dynamic society. There is a lack of motivation among educators for research and innovations to find solutions and new strategies to address existing issues and shortcomings in quality education.
- Furthermore, there is a lack of international platforms for educators to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to upgrade the quality of education. The dynamic service rendered by educators and the excellence of schools are not adequately evaluated on international platforms.”


03. Vision:
Empower 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being in children, enhancing the quality of education by promoting STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.
04. Mission:
Establish international platforms and networks for stakeholders in education to enhance the quality of education by promoting STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness. Strengthen children to overcome challenges in a rapidly changing world with 21st-century skills and spiritual well-being, ensuring the sustainability of individuals, countries, and global society.
05. Objectives:
Establish international platforms and networks to empower teachers, principals, and educators in STEAM education.
Create international platforms and networks to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to promote STEAM education in the school system.
Establish international platforms and networks to share best practices in promoting employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness in the school system to address challenges in modern society.
Create international platforms and networks to share best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas to empower 21st-century skills and promote the spiritual well-being of children. (Spiritual well-being refers not to any particular religious or spiritual practice or ideology but to the overall quality of a human being.)
Recognize and honor the dedicated services of educators for their contributions to new knowledge, research findings, sharing of best practices, and commitment to quality education.
Recognize and honor the dedicated services of schools for their innovations, best practices, and educational leadership towards quality education.
06. Themes of the conference
- “Empower the school curriculum for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower teaching methodologies (pedagogical approaches) for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower assessment and evaluation systems for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Capacity development of teachers for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower leadership and school management for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower the quality and standards of schools for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower research and innovations for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.”
- “Empower corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects in schools for STEAM education, employability, entrepreneurship, green education, and mindfulness.

07. Program Schedule:

May 26th, 2024 | Arrival of the delegates |
May 27th, 2024 | Inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Keynote speeches, paper presentations, presentations, interactive sessions, panel discussions, workshops, Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 28th, 2024 | Inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Keynote speeches, paper presentations, presentations, interactive sessions, panel discussions, and workshops Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 29th, 2024 | School visits, inauguration ceremony, Address of the Chief Guest, Address of the Guest of Honor, Panel Discussions, Interactive Sessions, Awarding and honoring ceremonies |
May 30th, 2024 | Closing ceremony, drop-off to the airport |
08. Capacity Development – Pre-Conference Activities:
The conference is not merely a three-day event; it is an international project aimed at improving the quality of education. Numerous pre-conference activities have been scheduled from February until the end of May 2024.
Based on the performance and academic contributions for pre-conference activities and capacity development projects, educators can fulfil the qualification to participate online in the conference and receive international awards for their academic contributions.
Opportunities for Delegates Participating as Experts:
Experts can engage in pre-conference activities according to their availability. They can share best practices, research findings, and competencies with stakeholders in the field of education worldwide. These activities, including panel discussions, interactive sessions, workshops, live interviews, and presentations related to early childhood and school curriculum, pedagogical approaches, assessment and evaluation systems, teacher capacity development, leadership and school management, quality standards, research, and innovations, as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR), will be broadcasted live on social media. Subsequently, all recorded content will be uploaded to YouTube and educational websites.
Moreover, the ‘International Quality Enhancement Project on SDG 4: Quality Education’ is being implemented as a pre-conference activity to train master trainers in STEAM Education and Child Protection. Participants can earn master trainer or master teacher certificates upon completion of the pre-conference activities. Educational experts registering for the conference are invited to deliver lectures in these training programs and will be honored with the ‘International Contribution for Quality Education’ award at the physical conference.
These opportunities enable experts to contribute to global education quality enhancement and provide them with international recognition and platform for professional growth.
Opportunities for Delegates Participating as Teachers and Young Educators:
Teachers and educators registering under category 01 can participate in lecture series and, upon successful completion of assessments, qualify as global master trainers or master teachers in relevant fields. Their performances will be showcased on YouTube and professional websites, providing them with career enhancement opportunities. Additionally, they can participate as moderators, interviewers, and session leaders in various conference activities, including panel discussions, live interviews, lectures, presentations, workshops, and interactive sessions. Participation in the Teachers Parliament allows them to hone their skills and personalities on an international platform.
The conference offers educators, both experienced and young, the chance to acquire and disseminate knowledge, emerge as global leaders in education, and be recognized for their academic leadership.”
09. To whom:
To individuals
- Academic leaders, educational administrators, policymakers,
- School owners and senior managers
- School principals, teachers, and staff officers
- Pre-primary principals, teachers, and staff officers
- In service advisors, educators, curriculum developers,
- Lecturers, teacher trainers, and advisers
- Teachers, young educatoers
To Schools
- To share best practices of the school with global communities
- To add value to school in international platform
- To get honors and awards, medals, mementoes, and certificates for the best practices of school
- To get honors, awards, medals, mementos, and certificates for excellence in education.
- To build up networks with global education leaders.
- To build up networks with schools, institutes, and universities
- Academic investments
- For collaboration work
- To submit research papers
- To publish research papers
- To do paper presentations
- To be keynote speakers
- To upgrade knowledge
- To build up new competencies
- To obtain professional qualifications To share best practices
- To share research findings
- To be a member of international panel discussions To be a resource person in international workshops
- To build up networks with global education leaders
- To build up networks with schools, institutes, and universities
- For academic investments
- For collaboration work
- To receive appreciation and honor for performance
- To receive recognition for dedicated service in the field of education
- To receive awards for excellence in education
10. How can you apply
Applications can be submitted in three categories.
Category 01
Educators, school principals, in-service advisors, teachers, staff officers, pre-primary principals, and pre-primary teachers can participate in the conference physically, and showing performance can make them eligible for awards, medals, and certificates.
Based on their performance and academic contributions for pre-conference activities and capacity development projects, selected educators can participate online in the conference and receive awards for their academic contributions.
Benefits for Participants in Category 01:
- Participants can join pre-conference activities as resource persons or active participants.
- Participants can enhance their best practices through pre-conference activities.
- Participants can showcase their talents in STEAM education and other disciplines through pre-conference activities.
- Participants can gain international experience in quality education.
- Participants can build networks with educators in other countries.
- Participants can demonstrate their performance in group activities, project activities, and pre-conference activities within the global community.
- Participants can have opportunities to conduct or participate in live interviews and discussions.
- Participants can serve as moderators on an international platform.
- Participants can participate in interactive sessions and panel discussions at the physical conference. Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates will be given under category 01.
Based on the performance in both the pre-conference and physical conference, individuals can receive awards, mementos, medals, and certificates:
- Excellence Performance in Quality Education – 2024
- Excellence Service for Quality Education – 2024
- Change Leader for Child Development and Protection – 2024
- Change Agent for Child Development and Protection – 2024″
Selection criteria
- Interested individuals should submit online applications under category 1.
- Applications will be evaluated. If applicants have fulfilled the basic requirements, they will be notified by email to register for the conference.
- Upon making the initial payment of 100 USD, applicants can register for the conference under category 1.
- All information related to pre-conference activities, physical conferences, and performance evaluation systems will be shared through the WhatsApp group.”
Category: 02
“School owners and senior managers, school principals, teachers, staff officers, pre-primary principals, teachers and staff officers, in-service advisors, educators, curriculum developers, lecturers, teacher trainers and advisers, academic leaders, educational administrators, and policymakers can apply under Category 02.
Benefits to the participants under Category 02:
- Participants can deliver keynote speeches at the physical conference.
- Participants can present papers at the physical conference.
- Participants can engage in pre-conference activities to be eligible for awards such as the “International Contribution for Quality Education.”
- Participants will have 8 minutes for their presentations or speeches at the physical conference.
Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates under Category 02:
- Participants can self-nominate for the “Excellence in Education – 2024” awards.
- Their performance, academic and professional qualifications, and contribution to the field of education will be evaluated, and awards will be given.
- Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates for “Excellence in Education – 2024” will be presented to dynamic leaders in education at the international conference under the following titles:
- Excellence in Keynote Speech for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Child Development and Child Protection 2024
- Excellence in Leadership for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in National Contribution to Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in International Contribution to Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Publication for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Innovations for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Talk Show Hosting for Quality Education 2024
- Excellence in Educational Entrepreneurship 2024″
- Excellence in International Educational Entrepreneurship 2024″
- Excellence in Global Leadership for Quality Education 2024
Selection criteria for awards under Category 02
- Awards will be granted based on performance in the field of education, national and international-level contributions to the field of education, and academic and professional qualifications.
- Applications should be submitted online under Category 2.
- The applications will be evaluated. If applicants have fulfilled the basic requirements, they will be notified by email to register for the conference under Category II.
- By making the initial payment of 100 USD, the selected applicants can register for the conference under Category II.
- Paper presenters and keynote speakers should participate in three live interviews related to the topic.
- Applicants for the “International Contribution to Quality Education” award should conduct 20 lectures (45 minutes each) on quality education on a virtual platform to be eligible for the award.
- Applicants should participate in at least three panel discussions in pre-conference activities.
- A performance evaluation form will be sent to applicants who self-nominate for the “Excellence in Education” award.
- Details of the performance evaluation form will be assessed by the panel based on their academic qualifications, professional qualifications, leadership in education, contributions to the field of education, national and international performance, etc.
- Self-nominated applicants for the “Excellence in Education” award need to conduct three live presentations online to qualify for awards.
- If needed, self-nominated applicants for the “Excellence in Education” award will be invited for a live interview in front of the selection panel.
- If needed, a live interview will be conducted with the applicants to clarify or obtain more details related to their performance.”
Category 03
- School owners and principals can apply under category 3.
- Awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates will be granted under category 03.
- Awards for excellence will be granted to schools for their performance. The awards are as follows:
- Excellence in School Curriculums for 21st Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in Teaching-Learning Methods for 21st Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in Holistic Development of Children for 21st Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in Assessment and Evaluation Systems for 21st-Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in Capacity Development of Educators for 21st Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in School Management for 21st-Century Skills 2024
- Excellence in Quality and Standards of the School 2024
- Excellence School with STEAM Education 2024
- Excellence in Sustainable Development Goals 2024
- Excellence in Greening Education for 21st Century Skills 2024
- Mindfulness and Happiness in the School 2024
Selection criteria for awards under Category 03
After schools submit applications for conferences under Category 03, the applications will be evaluated. (The school’s Facebook page and website will also be examined as primary factors in selecting a school for registration under Category 03).
If the school meets the basic requirements, it will be notified by email to register for the conference and awards.
By making an initial payment of 100 USD, the school can register for the conference. One educator can participate in the conference to represent the school free of charge.
After registration, a performance evaluation form will be sent to the school to collect performance data and best practices for evaluation for awards.
During the school evaluation process for awards, 60% of the marks will be allocated based on the details provided in the performance evaluation form.
To be eligible for awards, a school must deliver a presentation on its performance and best practices. (The presentation can be conducted live on Zoom, as a recorded video, or as a paper document).
Based on the performance evaluation, the school will qualify for awards, mementos, medals, and certificates at the conference.
11. Registration Fee
Category | For Indians . | SAARC Countries | Other Countries |
Category 01: School principals, in-service advisors, educators, School teachers and staff officers, pre School principals, Pre school teachers and staff officers can apply as activate participants and for awards on performance | 150 USD 75USD* | 300 USD | 400 USD |
Category 02: Paper Presenters, Keynote speakers, Presenters, and Individuals who apply for “Excellence in Education” awards | 200 USD | 400 USD | 500 USD |
Category 03: Schools | 350 USD | 500 USD | 600 USD |

Special Notice
- “Only 100 delegates (individuals and schools) will have the opportunity to participate in the conference.
- The registration fee mentioned above is a discounted rate for the first fifty applicants. For others, 25% will be added to the registration fee. Registration will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, please complete your registration in advance.
- Registration can be completed by paying 100 USD; the remaining balance can be paid on or before May 10th.
- The registration fee includes only the conference fee, lunch, refreshments for conference days, and the cost of awards, mementoes, medals, and certificates.
- The registration fee is 75 USD only for Indian educators and teachers who participate in the conference as observers or attendees. They will only receive a participation certificate, memento, and medal.
- Accommodation will be arranged at nominated hotels. Participants can book directly or through the organizing team. Accommodation is not included in the conference fee. Double occupancy with breakfast can be arranged from 60 USD upwards for 4 nights in New Delhi, India.
- Facilities will be provided for airport pick-up and drop-off. The cost for airport-to-hotel transportation may be around 2 or 3 USD per person. This cost is not included in the conference fee.”
12. Registration process
- “Principals, teachers, pre-primary teachers and principals, in-service advisors, educators, curriculum developers, academic leaders, educational administrators, and policymakers can apply under Certificates 01 or 02.
- School owners and principals can apply under category 3.
- Submit the online application form.
- The Academic Committee will evaluate all applications.
- The Academic Committee will recommend applicants’ suitability to participate in the conference.
- IAFQE will inform applicants by email of their eligibility to participate in the conference.
- The total conference registration fee, or initially, 100 USD from the registration fee, needs to be paid to complete the application process.
- Applicants have to submit their payment details.
- Applicants will receive a payment acknowledgment receipt and registration number by email after submitting payment details.
- You need to submit the registration form to complete the registration process:
- Registered applicants will be added to the “International Conference 2024 Delegates Community” WhatsApp group. All guidance and information will be shared directly through the WhatsApp group.
- After registration, the registered applicant will receive permission to access
- All guidance will be updated on the delegate portal web page.
- Registered delegates can pay the balance of the registration fee by bank transfer on or before May 10th.”
13. Apply online:
or click here
to submit an application.
14. Organized by
![]() | International Association for Quality Education (IAfQE) |
![]() | South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development (SAIA4ECCD) |
15. Guidance and Consultancy
- with guidance and consultancy of
Hon. Mr. Aravindh Kumar Arunachalem
State Minister of Education – Sri Lanka - with guidance and consultancy of
Hon. Geetha Samanmalee Kumarasingha
State Minister of Women, Child Affairs – Sri Lanka - with guidance and consultancy of
Mrs. Thilaka jayasundara
Secretary, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka
16. Hosting Partners

Dr. Kalam International Foundation
New Delhi, India
DR. Kalam International Foundation (DKIF) was founded on the ideals of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam committed to empowering the community through art, culture, research and innovation.
DKIF aims at providing the required impetus to propel the R&D agenda by way of building a research ecosystem comprising of schools, colleges, universities, research institutes and industry. DKIF dreams to ensure that no student loses any opportunity to learn and excel its research as well as innovation skills because of the circumstances of birth or background. Furthermore, DKIF helps the students to develop scientific temper from a young age and focuses on Affordability, Accessibility, Quality, Equity, and Accountability of research and innovation to ensure continual learning.
17. More Details
Join with WhatsApp Group
Click here to join with WhatsApp community to get all updates on Conference
Scan using your WhatsApp camera to join with WhatsApp community of IAFQE
Contact Details
Send WhatsApp message to
+94727573045 or +91 9821043595 for more details or any clarification
write to
18. Visa, Flight Details, Logistic Facilities and Hotel Arrangements
Guidance for Visa
Guidance for visas can be found at the following links:
Click here to apply for a VISA.
Details of the Hotel Arrangements
Details of the Hotel : will be updated soon.
Logistic Details
will be updated soon.
Media Partnership
Ms. Fathima Ruzaika Hamza Presentation on STEAM Education
Parallel to the international conference on quality education 2024, a lecture series on STEAM education was conducted to empower participants as master trainers on STEAM education and master teachers on STEAM education.
Ms. Fathima Ruzaika Hamza was qualified for Master Trainer on STEAM Education by uploading 20 videos related to the lesson she learned at the lecture series. She got her awards at the International Conference on Quality Education 2024, which was held on January 20th–24th, 2024, at the Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Getting awards as “Master Trainer for Quality Education” by the hand of Hon.Mr. Aslam Shaikh, MLA – Malad West Constituency, former Cabinet Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra, India at the International Conference on Quality Education – 2024, was held on January 20th – 24th, 2024 at Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Getting awards as “Master Teacher on STEAM Education” by the hand of Ms. Sachitha Suwal – Kathmandu University, Nepal at the International Conference on Quality Education – 2024, was held on January 20th – 24th, 2024 at Bharat Ratna Gaansamragyi Lata Mangeshkar Natya Gruha Auditorium in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Protected: Back up of Mumbai conference profile
Video Upload for performance or Master Teacher
Awards for Delegates
Delegates who participate for international conference on quality education 2024 under Category 01 can qualify for one of the following awards by fulfilling requirements relevant to the specific award category:.
Awards categories for the conference
- Excellence Master Trainer on STEAM Education
- Excellence Performance on Quality Education
- Excellence service for Quality Education
Name of the Award
Excellence in International Contribution to Quality Education
- It is compulsory to conduct a lecture series on one theme of the conference.
- 20 lectures (a minimum of one hour) should be completed.
- All lectures should be done on the IAFQE online platform.
- without doing lecture series applicants can apply for same award under category 02 also
Name of the Award
Excellence Master Trainer on STEAM Education
- A minimum of 20 videos should be completed by delegates, covering all topics.
- The duration of every lecture should be a minimum of 20 minutes.
- All lectures should be uploaded to
Name of the Award
Excellence in Performance on Quality Education
- It is compulsory to upload a minimum of three videos related to the theme of the conference.
- Every video should last a minimum of 20 minutes.
- All videos should be uploaded to the YouTube channel.
- Should participate in the three group presentations on STEAM education.
- Should contributed to the conference academic publication
Name of the Award
Excellence in Service for Quality Education
- Service in the teaching profession should be a minimum of 10 years.
- Age should be more than 35 years old.
- Applicants should have shown excellence in their professional services.
- The Department of Education, Western Province, Sri Lanka, will be the selection committee.
- Selections will be done by the selection committee of the Preschool Unit, Department of Education, under the supervision of the director.
Application form should be submited on or before January 09th, 2024. submit only one application. your first submission will be selected as your final application. you can’t edit application or change type of awards. Therefor after finalizing your decision submit the application.