International Summit for Quality Education was held from 30th January to 01st of February in 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Education Hon. Dr. Susil Premjayantha, Minister of Mass Media, Transport and Highways Dr. Bandula Gunawardena, Prof. Ranjith Bandara, Member of Parliament participated with High Commissioners and many more Invitees and Special Foreign Delegates.
Getting awards by the delegates for their keynote Speeches
Special Discussion with Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena
After you apply for the International Summit for Quality Education, you will receive an letter for registration.
After you receive the letter for registration you need to pay your registration fee to the South Asian International Association for Early Childhood care and Development (SAIA4ECCD). (Registration is handled by the SAIA4ECCD on behalf of IAfQE).
Necessary details for the transaction are available from here.
After you complete the payment Click here to Register as Keynote Speakers/Participants to the Summit.
After you complete registration form you will be added to WhatsApp Group of Registered Keynote Speakers/Participants
Any Assistance to get visa, Air tickets are available through “Registered Keynote Speakers/Participants” WhatsApp Group
All the updates of the summit will be shared through “Registered Keynote Speakers/Participants” WhatsApp Group
For any clarification feel free to send WhatsApp message to +940727573045.
All Registration Fees of the Keynote Speakers/Participants will go to cover expenses of the summit and to upgrade quality of the Early Childhood Care and Development Sector in South Asian Countries. Therefore Registration fees needs to transfer to the above account and all the expenses are handled by SAIA4ECCD on behalf of IAFQE.
Sri Lanka
Bank of Ceylon
Account Name:
South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development
Headoffice Address
No 136 ½, Old Kesbewa Road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Postal Code:10250
Account Number:
Bank of Ceylon
Bank Code:
Branch Name
Wijerama Junction
Branch Code:
Branch Address
No.705, High-Level Road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda.Sri Lanka Postal Code: 10250
Swift Code:
Corresponding Unit
BOC Chennai
All payments should be made to the Above Account Name only
“Kids need love and affection. Parents may be experts in any kind of subject area. but if parents don’t know how to maintain a healthy, happy, and balanced family life their lives and kids’ lives also may be miserable, unsatisfied, and stressful. The ultimate result is an unhappy life for all.
In an ambiguous, complicated present global society, children learn many subjects from school. they get more knowledge and build competencies in their disciplinary areas. get jobs, find partners and engage in family life. hope for kids and they think everything is fulfilled after getting babies. But so many challenges will be started after they become parents.
So many courses are available worldwide for thousands of professions and vocations. Everyone is concerned with at least one or two courses to be qualified for their subject areas. But it is not concerned to get proper knowledge from anyone on “Happy Parenting” till they are stressed with kids or kids become stressed.
The endeavor of this course is to guide the parents in creating a healthy, happy, and balanced family life by working on improved communication & relationship between parents and children. Therefore this course is suitable for parents as well as a good start for individuals who are interested in becoming Parenting Coaches.
From the course, you will get a range of parenting perspectives and techniques covering the toddler and teenage segments. Those techniques guide parents in developing their skills in adapting to best practices and strategies to improve child behavior and performance at home, in school, and in life.
Course Title:- Certificate course on Parenting Coach
Direct Contact Hours :- 3 hours X 10 sessions = 30 Hours
Parenting strategies as per personality combinations
Know nature & nurture
The Way Forward
Action Plan for 3 Months for Coaches
Coaching Modules
We are conducting free webinar series also to support parents every Thursday from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm from 14th July 2022 till the end of October 2022. You can join the webinar series also to be aware of parental coaching.
Mrs. Hasini Madanayaka, Course coordinator,
Course Director: Mrs. Rowena Ajay Phillips, – India. Entrepreneur, Educator, Trainer, Coach, and Psychologist